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2015 District Award Ceremony

December 17, 2015 - Mi Le, District XI Reporter


Anxious and excited members of District XI entered the theatre at River Ridge High School, hoping to learn that they qualify for state competition. Upon entry, the FBLA members were greeted with a table lined with shining trophies, illuminated by the lights of the theatre.

The District XI officers began the award ceremony with the standard pledge, creed, and thanks.  Then, events were called up alphabetically, and excited members proceeded to the stage to claim their awards.


Your District Officers would like to congratulate all competing members! Without you guys, we would not be able to represent District XI so well at states. We would also like to thank those chapters with an extraordinary amount of enthusiasm. You guys are what make the award ceremony so exciting. Thank you for being great competitors, but even better supporters!


The District would like to thank River Ridge High School for their contributed to making the award ceremony a success. We would also like to thank Pasco High School's adviser, Mrs. Liz Virgen for organizing the trophies for this event.  Without them, we could not have had such a successful ceremony.


Click on any of the photos to see the entire album.

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